Get Involved with Sustainability

Governance for Environmental Sustainability is via our Executive lead for Sustainability – our Chief Operating Officer, Joanne Hynes, who sits on the University Executive Group and reports to the Board of Governors.

The Sustainability Champions Network

The Sustainability Champions Network is the cross-sectional working group set up to support initiatives such as increasing net biodiversity, waste reduction initiatives, and support with behavioural campaigns to support wider scale projects. The Sustainability champions group meets every 2 months to share ideas and track progress on initiatives. Anyone is welcome and should contact Bill Townend Sustainability Manager if they wish to join, via email. 

Meetings in 2024

  • 23/01/2024
  • 25/04/2024
  • 27/06/2024
  • 29/08/2024
  • 29/10/2024
  • 18/12/2024

Our Engagement Plan for Sustainability

Whilst we are already doing lots of great things to progress social and environmental sustainability through our Strategic Plan commitments, there’s more we can do collectively. We therefore need a new detailed and holistic plan to help us collaborate to achieve these commitments, where everyone has a part to play. Sustainability is a long-term journey, but by working together we can make a difference quickly.   

Over the course of 2024, we are embarking on an exciting campaign to engage with our staff and students to start to build a collective understanding of sustainability, what it means for us, what we are already doing and what we want to do about it. Through this, we will develop our new long-term Sustainability strategy and action plan, to create the change we want to see and the positive impact we want to create. This will be created and owned by our whole Leeds Trinity community.          

We want everyone to get involved in helping us shape these plans and drive the agenda forward, from staff, students and our wider community. We have therefore developed an engagement plan to do just that. We are running a series of workshops, events and activities over the course of 2024 to help bring everyone together to engage on sustainability and ultimately result in the development of our new Sustainability Stratgey and action plan in 2024/25.

This engagement plan is led and budgeted through the Sustainability Directorate, working collaboratively across the whole University, in addition to external experts, who have been recruited to support the development and delivery of this engagement campaign. We will measure the effectiveness of our engagement plan through feedback, attendance and engagement analytics and will track progress through our Sustainability Strategy Critical Friends working group.

We are running the following activities focused around our staff community during the Spring and Summer of 2024:

  • Focused co-creation sessions with students and staff on the proposed engagement plan
  • Critical Friends group (of staff and students) to help steer the engagement plan, outcomes and Sustainability Strategy
  • 5 interactive sustainability “Be part of the change” workshops for staff to learn more about sustainability, what it means for LTU and their role and explore what actions we want to take forward
  • Sustainability embedding workshops with the Leadership community
  • Informal Sustainability Walk and Talk events around campus
  • Make it or mend it events
  • Education for sustainable development embedding workshops – via our Curriculum for Social Justice programme.
  • Mechanisms to collate feedback on sustainability initiatives and ideas via email and pop up stands
  • Communication campaign to raise awareness of sustainability at LTU

To find out more and book onto events, please see our Intranet pages

In the Autumn term of 2024 we are continuing our sustainability engagement plan, this time with a greater focus on our student communities and bringing these together with our staff community. We are planning on the following activities:

  • Sustainability workshops and networking events
  • Activity based sessions – e.g. planting, campus walks, local nature walks
  • Sustainability guest lectures and workshops
  • Clothes swap events
  • Pop up engagement events
  • Pledge events and activities
  • Environmental behaviours and awareness campaign for our new City centre campus
  • Joint events and activities with our Student Union
  • Embedding sustainability into Student inductions – via our Get Going Guide and engagement campaigns at the start of term
  • Embedding sustainability into Staff Inductions – specific sustainability slots on Induction modules

Further details of these activities will be published in due course and promoted across the campus.

Other Student Campaigns

We engage with our students through Love MyLTU week campaigns with an environment-focus, resulting in many pledges made by students to change their habits and help support a sustainable campus. We also support our Students' Union with their Go Green week.

Leeds Trinity University Students' Union is also part of the Green Impact accreditation scheme, achieving “Excellent” in 2020/21 and 2021/22. You can read more on the LTSU website. Leeds Trinity University supports the Students' Union with this student-led accreditation.
