Work out the effects of lockdown before working out
As lockdown restrictions continue to lift, Professor Mark Russell discusses the impact of lockdown when returning to fitness routines.
Written by Professor Mark Russell
As lockdown restrictions continue to lift, Professor Mark Russell discusses the impact of lockdown when returning to fitness routines.
Written by Professor Mark Russell
Leeds Pride may not be going ahead as normal this year, but the LGBT+ Staff Network at Leeds Trinity will still be celebrating.
Written by Dr Shyane Siriwardena
Leeds Pride may not be going ahead as normal this year, but the LGBT+ Staff Network at Leeds Trinity will still be celebrating.
Written by Dr Jamie Cruickshank
The International Staff Network discuss how COVID-19 has changed their plans to visit family and friends in their home countries.
Written by International Network
Alumnus Adam Kenyon discusses his experiences working as a teacher and his new role supporting trainee teachers ahead of their careers.
Written by Adam Kenyon
Visiting Research Fellow and chartered psychologist Dr Pam Jarvis reflects on the current early years education curriculum in England.
Written by Dr Pam Jarvis
Dyslexia and Disability Coordinator Dr Stephen Campbell discusses disability, disablement, and the services available at Leeds Trinity.
Written by Dr Stephen Campbell
Student Mental Health and Wellbeing Manager Toby Chelms discusses how to manage feelings of uncertainty as lockdown begins to ease.
Written by Toby Chelms
Despite limitations from lockdown, the Leeds Centre for Victorian Studies has embraced the digital world to remain engaged with audiences.
Written by Professor Jane de Gay
Current students and alumni discuss how they been managing their training programmes as professional athletes during COVID-19 lockdown.
Written by Sarah Todd
How an online community of academic colleagues have supported each other with the transition to blended learning and teaching for 2020/21.
Written by Dr Alison Torn
As we work and study remotely, many of us are leading more sedentary lifestyles. Here's some ideas to pay attention and move better.
Written by Kay Holdsworth