Clearing can be a stressful time for both students and their parents or guardians, but we’re here to support you through every step of the journey.

Your child can apply to university through Clearing if they have their grades and they're not holding an offer from another university. That could be because they received different grades than expected, they declined their offers, changed their mind, or they haven't applied to university yet.

Supporting your student

Whether your child has changed their mind on their university or course, is applying to university after 30 June or receives unexpected grades on Results Day, there are lots of ways you can support them as a parent or guardian.

  1. Help them research their options

    The more research your child does, the better prepared they'll be for Clearing. A good starting point is checking the courses that different universities offer and how suitable they are, what accommodation there is and what the city or town is like. University websites and official social media can be helpful for finding this information; some universities also offer campus tours.

  2. Be positive about the Clearing process

    The Clearing process is a normal part of university admissions, with thousands of students using it to secure a place each year. Reassure your child that it's nothing to worry about and lots of their peers will be in the same position.

  3. Ask as many questions as you need

    You and your child need to feel happy and comfortable with the decisions that you make together. We are always here to support you, so if you do need further information please get in touch at

  4. Be prepared to be swift

    Some courses fill up quickly in Clearing. If your child has already researched their options, they may be in a better position to contact their chosen university when results are released and secure their place without delay. 

  5. Remind them about student finance

    In the rush of Clearing sometimes students forget about student finance. If their course or university has changed through Clearing, your child will need to let Student Finance England know as soon as possible by logging in to their account at and updating their details.

    Our Money Advice team can help you with student finance queries: please contact

And of course, once they've secured their place at university it's on to the next adventure: starting to plan and get excited for their life at university.

More on Clearing

. Clearing 2025

How Clearing works

Find out what Clearing’s all about and how the process works.

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Studnets socialising in accommodation social space. Clearing 2025


Live in a safe and supportive environment during your studies. 

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Charlie’s Clearing story

Read about Charlie’s experience applying through Clearing at Leeds Trinity.

Read Charlie’s Clearing story