Teacher working with a pupil.

Choose your year of study

2026 2025
Start date(s)
September 2026
Main Campus (Horsforth)
UCAS tariff
Study Mode
Full-time (4 years)

Are you excited by a career in which you can encourage young children to enjoy learning and make daily progress?

Education in primary schools and early years settings is focused on creating enabling environments and positive relationships and is full of exciting provision that is responsive to children’s needs and the requirements of the Early Years Statutory Framework and KS1 National Curriculum.

As soon as you begin the programme, you start your journey of professional development towards becoming a qualified teacher.

This four-year course includes an initial full-time Foundation Year and offers an alternative route into university and gaining a degree.

This route is for you if you do not have the necessary qualifications or don’t yet feel ready to begin degree-level study, or are returning to education and would like some support to get up to speed with learning in a university setting.

The Foundation Year in Education and Childhood will allow you to develop your academic skills and confidence as well as introduce you to key concepts, debates and skills that will support and inform your subsequent years of undergraduate study.

Following successful completion of your Foundation Year, you’ll progress onto Year 1 of our Primary Education (Early Years 3-7) with QTS BA (Hons) degree.

The Student Contract

About this course

During your Foundation Year, you will undertake modules to enable you to enhance your academic skills and equip you with the tools you’ll need to study with confidence. You’ll carry out a personal project so you can study an area of interest related to your chosen future subject specialisation.

You’ll develop your understanding of the disciplines, issues and academic theories of working with children, young people and families and will be introduced to learning and teaching in an educational context, considering current trends and academic theories.

Following successful completion of the Foundation Year, you’ll progress onto the first year of our Primary Education (Early Years 3-7) with QTS BA (Hons) degree.

We'll work with you to ensure that Communication and Language, Personal, Emotional and Social Development and Physical Development, the prime areas of learning which lay the foundation for all children’s learning are embedded in all that you do, helping you to understand your influential role in young children’s lives. 
You'll learn how experiential, play-based learning supports young children's development and how, as an effective practitioner, you can have a positive impact on children’s development and learning. Teaching in early years is dynamic, and you'll learn the professional skills related to planning, teaching and assessing, as well as how to manage a setting where children and adults work together in learning. 
You'll gain an understanding of the transition to Key Stage 1 and then into Key Stage 2 and develop knowledge of both the Early Years Foundation Stage and the National Curriculum at Key Stage 1. 
The Early Years 3-7 programme will enable you to develop the right expertise and values to provide outstanding learning experiences for all children, building on key features of effective practice

School Experience

Over the course of the three-year programme, you will complete a minimum of 24 weeks of assessed school experience, along with additional focus visits. In the first and second years, your school experience is eight weeks; in the final year, it's ten weeks. Intensive training and practice (ITaP) weeks provide opportunities to focus on foundational aspects of teaching and learning. These will draw upon the expertise of a range of colleagues and have been developed to give you the opportunity to practice, apply and refine your skills in specific aspects of teaching and learning. You will be mentored by expert colleagues in school and University settings. 

In the first year, you will gradually take on some of the teacher's role by working with small groups of children, setting activities in areas of provision, team teaching and moving on to teach whole group lessons. 

Throughout the second and third year, you will increase the amount of time you spend planning, teaching and assessing children; building your confidence, independence and progress in meeting the Teacher Standards and preparing you for your Early Career development.

Why study with us?

  • Build your self-confidence, academic skills and core subject knowledge in preparation for progression onto degree-level study.
  • Explore how children learn through playful hands-on experiences which reflect the characteristics of effective learning from specialist tutors in early teaching and learning. 
  • Benefit from our strong partnerships with a wide range of schools through classroom experience and co-delivered training sessions and conferences
  • Meet the Teachers' Standards and you'll be recommended for Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) when you complete your programme.  
  • Receive ongoing guidance and career development opportunities during the early stages of your teaching career after graduation. 
PGCE students in seminar.

Course modules

You will study a variety of modules across your programme of study. The module details given below are subject to change and are the latest example of the curriculum available on this course of study.

Foundation Year

During your Foundation Year, you'll study four core modules.

Academic Skills and Studying with Confidence

We'll help you develop core academic skills such as using electronic resources, planning and note-taking, communication skills related to essay and report writing and delivering presentations.

You'll learn to manage your time, prioritise tasks and manage stress, and become more confident in engaging with collaborative learning, debates, discussions and critical reflection.

Philosophy and Ethics in Society

You'll be introduced to the study of philosophy and ethics in a societal context with a particular emphasis on childhood, families and education.

You'll develop the ability to engage in philosophical argumentation and consider philosophical, ethical and religious issues as they pertain to childhood, family, education and society more generally.

You'll cover topics including philosophy of childhood and the family, religious perspectives on marriage, sex and gender, religion and secularism, philosophy of education, political philosophy, the role of the state with regard to child welfare and education.

Introduction to Children and Families

Develop your understanding of the disciplines, issues and academic theories of working with children, young people and families.

You'll explore areas such as childhood development, socialisation, family diversity and the influence of poverty, and the support available in social and educational contexts.

We focus on collaborative learning, so you will be encouraged to share your thoughts and opinions in debates and work with your fellow students.

Introduction to Education: Learning and Teaching

You'll focus on how education is provided in the UK.

Explore the early year and primary education phases, studying concepts such as learning, pedagogy, and assessment.

You'll look at ways effective learning can be promoted in the context of equality and inclusion, covering creativity, play, problem-solving and the use of technology.

We'll also explore educational policies and frameworks such as teachers' standards in the UK.

Year 1

During your first year, you'll study seven core modules.

Progression requirements: 120 credits from Foundation Year. In addition, students must meet the minimum entry requirements for progression to a linked degree programme with QTS:

  • GCSE English Language on English Literature, Maths and Science at grade 4/C (or Equivalent)
  • Students will also be required to successfully complete the University’s selection process for this programme including an interview, enhanced DBS check and 'fit to teach' assessment.

Students unable to meet the requirements for progression on to a linked Primary Education with QTS degree but have passed the foundation year, may opt to progress onto a linked Childhood and Education degree.

The Initial Teacher Training and Early Career Framework (ITTECF) provides the foundation for our curriculum which has four overlapping strands which are revisited in different contexts and increase in complexity over your three years of study.

  • Subject Knowledge and Applied Pedagogy
  • Professional Studies
  • Research Literacy
  • School Experience

Centre-based Training at University and School Experience are integrated to allow for reflective practice as you progress through each level.   

Students will study a range of core modules across their three years of study, designed to build phase expertise in Key Stage 1 where you will gain both theoretical and subject knowledge alongside practical experience in these phases of primary school.

Introduction to Academic Study

You’ll be introduced to the nature of  higher education studies and the systems in place to support their development. You’ll engage with examining education from personal, social, spiritual and political perspectives, exploring tensions and opportunities.

Develop a variety of skills that are required to learn effectively in a HE environment including reading, research, and understanding the requirements and purpose of academic writing and presentation.

You’ll be encouraged to engage with sources which inform your emerging philosophy of education and professional values. 

Introduction to Teaching

You’ll reflect on the professional attributes of a teacher and your own academic and assessment experiences, allowing you to make links between theory and practice. You’ll be guided in managing your time effectively, using independent study time and taking responsibility of your professional and academic progress. 

Familiarise yourself with the legal frameworks within which the wider pastoral responsibilities of educational settings are carried out. Develop an understanding of current Safeguarding guidance.

How We Learn

Develop an understanding of child development, knowledge of how pupils learn and the role of memory in learning. You’ll also be introduced to cognitive science and learning theory.

Using the work of current theorists and researchers, explore how active and working memory support pupils learning more and how the principles of instruction underpin knowledge application.

Reflective practice is used to develop an understanding of teachers' professional attributes and conduct. 

You’ll examine the role of the teacher in creating and managing an effective learning environment and the interactions that take place therein and explore behaviours for learning and the implications for teaching and learning. 

Preparation for School Experience –1

You’ll be introduced to the principles behind the reflective tool used to identify the “Learn that” and “Learn how to” statements (ITTECF) and how theory and practice are synthesised between centre and school.

You’ll reflect on the SKAP and PES knowledge from your Level 4 centre-based learning and are prepared to co plan and co teach individual lessons across the curriculum.

Subject and Curriculum (Wider)

You’ll be introduced to the relevant foundation subject and curriculum knowledge in the wider curriculum and Religious Education (including statutory and non-statutory subjects/areas of learning), across EYFS and KS1 or KS1 and KS2, subject to age phase specialism.

You’ll identify current national priorities in these key subject areas, as identified by the DfE, Ofsted and other professional bodies and be introduced to signature pedagogical theory and practice for each subject and area of learning.

School Experience 1

You’ll be required to spend a significant proportion of the course undertaking practical training in a school environment. With support from our team you’ll develop the knowledge and expertise necessary to build confidence and fluency in teaching across the age phase you’ve chosen to specialise in.

You’ll have opportunities to practise, refine and reflect on what you have learned to develop your teacher persona and see yourself as part of a wider education community.

Throughout this module you’ll have Intensive Training and Practice (ITaP) where you’ll have opportunities to focus on foundational aspects of teaching and learning.

Subject and Curriculum 3-7

You’ll be introduced to the relevant foundational subject and curriculum knowledge in English (including Early Reading and SSP), mathematics, science, computing and P.E across EYFS and KS1.

Current national priorities in these key subject areas, as identified by the DfE and Ofsted will be highlighted and you’ll be introduced to signature pedagogical theory and practice for each subject area.

Year 2

During your second year, you'll study seven core modules.

Planning and Teaching Sequences across the Primary Curriculum (3-7)

Further develop your knowledge and understanding of developing, adapting and delivering sequences of learning in English, Mathematics, Science, computing and PE across EYFS and KS1.

Subject knowledge and understanding will underpin your capacity to break learning down into smaller steps to plan and deliver learning sequences, embedding assessments for formative and summative purposes as per relevant national frameworks and structures. 

Review and deconstruct published schemes of work including units and documentation written and delivered by partner schools in preparation for school experience and academic assessment.   

Planning and Teaching Sequences across the Primary Curriculum (Wider)

Further develop your knowledge and understanding of developing, adapting and delivering sequences of learning in wider curriculum subjects across EYFS and KS1, or KS1 and KS2, depending on age phase specialism.

Subject knowledge and curriculum will underpin your capacity to build on prior learning and break learning down into smaller steps in order to effectively plan and deliver learning sequences, embedding assessments for formative and summative purposes as per relevant national frameworks and structures. 

You’ll review and deconstruct published schemes of work including units and documentation written and delivered by partner schools in preparation for placement and academic assessment. 

Preparation for School Experience – 2

You’ll have school-based preparation training sessions underpinned by the Core Competencies which will be assessed in School Experience.

Develop your understanding of the principles behind the reflective tool used to consolidate your knowledge of the statutory ITT curriculum and continue to make links between how theory and practice are synthesised across centre and school.

Demonstrate your understanding of building on prior knowledge, and breaking learning down into smaller steps through preparation and deconstruction of planning sequences of lessons.

Adaptive Teaching

You’ll look at how teachers identifying individual needs builds students’ knowledge of approaches or interventions to support specific needs.

Learn how to prepare lessons with awareness of common barriers or misconceptions about a topic and with reference to pupils’ prior knowledge. 

You’ll gain an awareness of barriers to learning experienced by children with identified specific additional needs: e.g. physical needs, medical needs, social/emotional/behavioural needs, linguistic needs and specific learning differences.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Build knowledge of key documents and requirements, including The Equality Act 2010 and the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED).

You’ll use this knowledge to consider how school policy and decisions affect people who share protected characteristics, drawing connections between national policies and local practices.

You’ll be encouraged to identify cultural capital and understand how skills and knowledge within a schools’ curriculum build cultural and academic capital.

Compare and contrast how issues related to EDI impact on school experiences for children, such as evaluating the impact of formative and summative assessment.  

Developing Academic Enquiry

Develop the knowledge and skills related to academic enquiry and to reflect on how these can impact their own learning and development.

You’ll be introduced to the principles of research-informed practice and the influence it can have on professional development for teachers and improved outcomes for children. These principles will be linked to the role of practitioners as enquirers and the process of practitioner enquiry.

There will be opportunity to discuss principles of ethical practices and you’ll engage in deep thinking about a specific area of interest related to their academic and professional development.

School Experience 2

You’ll be required to spend a significant proportion of the course undertaking practical training in a school environment. With support from our team you’ll develop the knowledge and expertise necessary to build confidence and fluency in teaching across the age phase you’ve chosen to specialise in.

You’ll have opportunities to practise, refine and reflect on what you have learned to develop your teacher persona and see yourself as part of a wider education community.

Throughout this module you’ll have Intensive Training and Practice (ITaP) where you’ll have opportunities to focus on foundational aspects of teaching and learning.

Year 3

During your second year, you'll study six core modules.

Embedding the Learning and Assessment Cycle across the Core Curriculum (3-7)

You’ll be supported in becoming assessment literate within the core curriculum subjects. It develops the skills and understanding of formative and summative assessment of pupils within each subject.

Explore the principles of questioning, high-quality feedback and how this links to pupil learning, pupil progress and planning. You’ll explore how monitoring is used at key points to ensure pupils are aware of key knowledge in the lesson.

Learn how to think of assessment as not only formal recognition of achievement but the way in which teachers monitor progress and identify next steps in learning; closing the gap between where a pupil is (in terms of progress and attainment) and where the teacher wants them to be.

You’ll know and understand how to assess the relevant subject and curriculum areas including statutory national and local assessment and data systems, relevant to age phase specialism. 

Develop the skills to critically evaluate and apply research findings and other evidence to inform your practice in relation to assessment and its place in the planning, teaching and assessment cycle.

Embedding the Learning and Assessment Cycle across the Wider Curriculum

You’ll have the opportunities to recall what you already know of the planning, teaching and assessment cycle used in school. You’ll revisit the meaning and purpose of planning and assessment cycles from previous modules.

You’ll critique the overall intent for delivery of the Foundation Subjects in the Primary School, in line with statutory documentation and examine examples of curriculum design and assessment processes.

Expert colleagues from Partnership Schools will be invited to talk about cultures and values of curriculum design across a range of contexts and school demographics.

You’ll consider subject development plans and aspects of subject leadership to support your transition into early career teachers. 

Preparation for School Experience – 3

Students have school-based preparation training sessions underpinned by the LTU Core Competencies and are introduced to the Teachers’ Standards that they will be assessed against at the end of their training. They embed their knowledge of the principles behind the reflective tool used to consolidate their understanding of the ITT curriculum statements. Students demonstrate their competence when planning, teaching and assessing the learning cycle across the curriculum. They are prepared for wider professional responsibilities and employment and will identify next steps for transition to their early career. 

Enhanced Enquiry Project

You'll independently carry out a small-scale research project and record your findings appropriately.

Develop your knowledge and understanding of ethical issues, carry out literature reviews, plan and conduct research, analyse evidence and draw conclusions.

You'll also critically evaluate the role of research in developing personal and professional practice.

Educational Debates

Explore current and key issues affecting primary education.

Indicative content includes the changing nature of schools and the different types of schools in the UK system.

You'll synthesise international evidence on successful school systems and school reform.

You'll critically appraise different pedagogical models and interrogate the evidence of ‘high-quality teaching’ and the science of learning.

Get an understanding of what determines evidence-based teaching and how to embed research into your pedagogical toolkit.

We'll examine the role of teachers in the 21st century, enabling your development in critical reflection, professional learning and teacher leadership.

School Experience 3

You’ll be required to spend a significant proportion of the course undertaking practical training in a school environment. With support from our team you’ll develop the knowledge and expertise necessary to build confidence and fluency in teaching across the age phase you’ve chosen to specialise in.

You’ll have opportunities to practise, refine and reflect on what you have learned to develop your teacher persona and see yourself as part of a wider education community.

Throughout this module you’ll have Intensive Training and Practice (ITaP) where you’ll have opportunities to focus on foundational aspects of teaching and learning.

Got a question about the course?

Our Primary Education team are on hand to answer your questions, whether you want to know about the modules you'll be studying, where you can complete your professional placement or the types of assessments you'll do, they are here to help.

Learning and teaching


A variety of assessment methods are used, matched to the learning outcomes for your programme, allowing you to apply and demonstrate the full range of knowledge and skills that you have developed.

For more details on specific assessment methods for this course contact hello@leedstrinity.ac.uk

Programme delivery

Your time on campus, learning through in-person teaching, is at the heart of your academic experience and the way we deliver our programmes. This is supported and further enhanced by additional engagement activities and opportunities provided online and through digital teaching materials. This blended approach seeks to ensure a positive learning and teaching student experience.

Your programme of study has been carefully designed around a three-phase model of delivery:

  1. Preparation: You will be given clear tasks to support you in preparing for live teaching. This could include watching a short-pre-recorded lecture, reading a paper or text chapter or preparing other material for use in class.
  2. Live: All your live teaching will be designed around active learning, providing you with valuable opportunities to build on preparation tasks, interact with staff and peers, and surface any misunderstandings.
  3. Post: Follow-up activities will include opportunities for you to check understanding, for staff to receive feedback from you and your peers to inform subsequent sessions, and for you to apply learning to new situations or context.

Preparation, Live and Post teaching and learning and the digital materials used will vary by course, but will be designed to help you structure your learning, take a full and active part in your course, and apply and test your developing knowledge and skills.

Learning and teaching

At Leeds Trinity we aim to provide an excellent student experience and provide you with the tools and support to help you achieve your academic, personal and professional potential.

Our Learning, Teaching and Assessment Strategy delivers excellence by providing the framework for:

  • high quality teaching
  • an engaging and inclusive approach to learning, assessment and achievement
  • a clear structure through which you progress in your academic studies, your personal development and towards professional-level employment or further study.

We have a strong reputation for developing student employability, supporting your development towards graduate employment, with relevant skills embedded throughout your programme of study.

We endeavour to develop curiosity, confidence, courage, ambition and aspiration in all students through the key themes in our Learning and Teaching Strategy:

  • Student Involvement and Engagement
  • Inclusion
  • Integrated Programme and Assessment Experience
  • Digital Literacy and Skills
  • Employability and Enterprise

To help you achieve your potential we emphasise learning as a collaborative process, with a range of student-led and real-world activities. This approach ensures that you fully engage in shaping your own learning, developing your critical thinking and reflective skills so that you can identify your own strengths and weaknesses, and use the extensive learning support system we offer to shape your own development.

We believe the secret to great learning and teaching is simple: it is about creating an inclusive learning experience that allows all students to thrive through:

  • Personalised support
  • Expert lecturers
  • Strong connections with employers
  • An international outlook
  • Understanding how to use tools and technology to support learning and development

Entry requirements

Leeds Trinity University is committed to recruiting students with talent and potential and who we feel will benefit greatly from their academic and non-academic experiences here. We treat every application on its own merits; we value highly the experience you illustrate in your personal statement.

Information about the large range of qualifications we accept, including A-Levels, BTECs and T Levels, can be found on our entry requirements page. If you need additional advice or are taking qualifications that are not covered in the information supplied, please contact our Admissions Office.

Entry requirements for this course:
UCAS tariff64
GCSE requirementsGCSEs in English Language or English Literature and Maths at grade C or 4 (or higher) will be required. A variety of level 3 qualifications are accepted. Please note that in accordance with DfE guidance, qualifications in key and functional skills at level 2 are not equivalent to GCSEs in terms of content and therefore do not meet the minimum entry requirements of the course.

Applications are welcome from mature students with few formal qualifications.

Any previous relevant work experience and learning will be assessed and, where appropriate, we may offer an alternative way to assess suitability to study.

This course is not available to students on a Student Route Visa.

Additional entry requirements

In addition to the academic entry requirements, you will also need to meet the additional entry requirements set by the DfE for selection. This includes a satisfactory Enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) criminal records checks and a health check that demonstrates fitness to train to teach prior to the start of the course.

Applicants also need to demonstrate the commitment, attitudes and values appropriate to those of a primary teacher and the potential to train as a teacher. Strong applicants often have experience in primary schools, but this is not a requirement.

For further information, please visit our Initial Teacher Training additional entry requirements page.

Interview Information

Applicants who meet the entry criteria will be invited to interview. At the interview, a written assessment may be used to evaluate your strengths and needs. Once you have completed your interview we will be able to make a decision about your offer.

Fees and finance

UK Home fees £5,760 per year


UK Home Students:

Tuition fees cost £5,760 a year for this course in 2025/2026.

Part-time tuition fees will be prorated accordingly to the number of credits you're studying.

Depending on government policy, tuition fees may change in future years.

Tuition fees for 2026/2027 entry will be set in summer 2025.

Living costs, e.g. accommodation, travel, food, will also need to be taken into consideration.

Leeds Trinity offers a range of bursaries and scholarships to help support students while you study.

Additional costs

We advise students that there may be additional course costs in addition to annual tuition fees. These include:

  • Books - recommended and required reading lists will be provided at the start of your course. All the books and e-books are available from our Library to borrow but you may choose to purchase your own.
  • Print costs - the University provides students with a £6 printing credit each academic year which can be topped up either on campus or online.

How to apply

For full-time undergraduate courses, you apply through UCAS. That's the University and Colleges Admissions Service.

On your application form, you'll need to know our institution code - it's L24 - and the course code. If you click through to the UCAS website using the button below, it'll take you to the right place with all the information you need.

As part of your application, you'll need to write a personal statement - we've prepared a guide to help you.

Applications are open for courses starting in September 2025. You have until 30 June to apply. After this date, you can apply through Clearing.

If you’ve already used all five choices on your application, and you’re not holding any offers, you may be able to apply through UCAS Extra.  

Undergraduate applications for September 2026 entry will open on Tuesday 13 May. You’ll be able to submit your application from Tuesday 2 September.

This course is not available to students on a Student Route Visa.

There's lots more information about the application process on the UCAS website, or you can get in touch with our Admissions team who will be happy to help:

Graduate opportunities

Providing you with the opportunity to develop the professional skills and experience you need to launch your career is at the heart of everything we do at Leeds Trinity University.

The vast majority of our graduates go on to work in school or early years settings – initially as class teachers, but then moving up into middle and senior leadership roles. Many of our graduates opt to work abroad. Your QTS award is recognised in many countries around the world, meaning that you can be appointed to a teaching or education-related role almost anywhere. Recent graduates are currently working in schools in Poland, Russia, Oman, UAE and Australia.

After you graduate, Careers and Placements will help you as you pursue your chosen career through our mentoring scheme, support with CV and interview preparation and access to graduate employability events.

To find out how we can help you make your career ambitions a reality, visit:


Catholic Certificate in Religious Studies (CCRS)

Achieve an additional qualification alongside your degree with the Catholic Certificate in Religious Studies

Although the CCRS isn't compulsory, it is recognised across the Catholic sector as a desirable qualification that can expand both your expertise and your vocational focus. The course aims to ensure you have the basic knowledge, understanding and appreciation of the beliefs and principles of the Catholic Faith while providing a basis for further study. 

Meet the team

Primary Education Anna Park
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Primary Education Chris Price
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Education Vikki Chadwick
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Primary Education Bethany Drake
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Primary Education Salik Miah
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Primary Education Evan McCormick
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Education Aimee Quickfall
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Education Samantha Wilkes
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