As a Leeds Trinity University student, we will actively encourage you to spend time studying abroad.
You'll make new friends, develop new skills and have life-changing experiences. Students who spend time abroad gain a maturity and outlook that prospective employers love.
For most of our degrees, you have the option to spend a semester or year abroad at one of our partner universities as an outgoing exchange student.
To find out if you can complete an exchange opportunity, please check your course page to confirm.
Who can do a student exchange?
To participate in student exchange, you need to be a current undergraduate student studying at LTU and be on a course that allows an exchange opportunity as part of your degree.
For an application to be considered and approved, you must:
- Have a minimum 50%-year level average performance and good attendance and engagement
- Submit a satisfactory supporting statement
- Have approval from your personal tutor
- Have no outstanding financial obligations owing to the University
- Have successfully completed your preceding level of study (including the outcome of any reassessment).
How student exchange works
There are two options, depending on your course.
If your course allows it, you have the chance to study overseas for a semester in your second year of study (Level 5) at one of our partner universities, or for a full academic year between Level 5 and Level 6.
Semester abroad
You will study for one semester at one of our partner universities.
- You will take modules which match your LTU course
- This semester is a pass/fail, you need to pass the semester to progress onto your final year
- You will get to experience how your course is taught in another country
- You will pay tuition fees to LTU as normal
Full-year abroad
You will go abroad for a full academic year at one of our partner universities. You will then return to Leeds Trinity to complete your final year and with all the extra knowledge and experience under your belt will graduate from a four-year course with ‘International’ added to your degree.
- You can study at any partner university, giving you a choice between 20+ destinations across the world
- In this extra year, you can go in-depth in a particular aspect of your academic discipline or mix and match modules from any subject of your interest
- Your tuition fee for the ‘sandwich year’ is capped (currently £1,385 24/25) meaning you get more education at a fraction of the usual cost and still receive student loans for the year
- Get the full experience of living in another culture and country and make friends for life
Charlotte Napper - Sogang University, South Korea
“Doing study abroad has been one of the best decisions I have ever made.
I've experienced so many things that I would never have had the chance to do before, made friends from around the world and it has given me the chance to learn new skills, get outside my comfort zone, and learn a new language!
It's helped shape who I am and has given me more insight into what I want to do for my future career and the person I want to be for myself and others.
If you are ever wondering if you should go on a study abroad, go for it!"
Where can I go?
Below you can find our full list of study-abroad destinations - please note partner universities are subject to change:
- Yokohama City University - Yokohama
- Kanagawa University - Hiratsuka and Yokohama campuses
- Taylor's University - Kuala Lumpur (Selangor)
South Korea
- Sogang University - Seoul
- The University of Notre Dame Australia - Fremantle and Sydney campuses
- Australian Catholic University - Melbourne, Brisbane and Sydney campuses
- EDC Paris Business School - Paris
- Sciences Po Grenoble - Grenoble
- Budapest Metropolitan University - Budapest
- University College Cork - Cork
- Universidad CEU San Pablo - Madrid
- Universidad Católica de Murcia - Murcia
- Göteborg University - Gothenburg
North America
- King's University College - London, Ontario
- St Francis Xavier University - Antigonish, Nova Scotia
- Saint Paul University - Ottawa
- High Point University - High Point, North Carolina
- Lock Haven University - Lock Haven, Pennsylvania
- University of the Incarnate Word - San Antonio, Texas
How to apply
Start your study abroad journey by following four simple steps:
1. Research your options
Start by reading all the information on this page. Narrow your search to a couple of destinations and have a look at partner universities’ websites. It is also a good idea to attend a Student Exchange Info Session.
2. Discuss your options - Academic
It's important that you meet with the Academic Exchange Advisor (AEA) in your School to ensure they support your plans to complete an exchange opportunity. Do this as early in the process as possible because some courses recommend a certain semester for going abroad.
3. Discuss your options - Global Engagement Office
You will need to discuss your plans with the Global Engagement Office to get an application form, you can book an appointment by emailing This will be a chance for you to ask any exchange questions unrelated to academics.
4. Submit your application
You must complete the application form and have it signed by the Academic Exchange Advisor in your school by 31st January (please note this includes applications for semester two exchange applications).
Contact us
Contact the Global Engagement Office for general, non-academic questions about completing an exchange opportunity.