Leeds is a popular destination for students from all over the world. We look forward to welcoming you into this thriving community.

Entry requirements

Postgraduate entry requirements

Qualification Grade
Four-year Bachelors degree GPA of 2.6 or equivalent

Undergraduate entry requirements

Qualification Grade
High School or Secondary School Diploma Minimum 65% in five Grade 12 courses
International Foundation Year Successful completion

Agents in your country

Agent Location(s) Email Phone
EIC Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal partners@eiceducation.com 852-2736-0036
SI-UK Toronto toronto@studyin-uk.com +1 416 998 8532

Application Info

Students chatting around a table in the Andrew Kean Learning Centre..

Fees, funding and scholarships

Funding your studies
Student working on laptop in classroom.

Visas and immigration

Discover your process