A Leeds Trinity University alumnus has won a research competition as part of an international tech conference focusing on Search Engine Optimisation.
Dan Taylor, who graduated from Leeds Trinity in 2013 with a degree in Business and Marketing, was awarded the 2018 TechSEO Boost research award as part of the annual Tech SEO Boost conference in Boston, Massachusetts, for his research which focuses on the use of service worker technologies.
Since graduating, Dan has quickly established himself as an expert in technical, international and local Search Engine Optimisation. He works for SALT.agency as a Technical SEO Consultant and Account Director, developing and implementing strategies for organic search, as well as best practices for international expansion online.
Dan, who was the first British presenter at the conference, said: "Winning the first ever industry wide technical SEO research competition means a lot. Being the first in anything is great, and to be recognised by the judging panel (which was composed of leading industry experts) is a great feeling. The calibre of the competition has been to a very high standard, so it's humbling, and great to have our research recognised by industry peers."
Brett Arnall, Alumni Relations Officer at Leeds Trinity University, said: "To have your research recognised on an international stage is fantastic, and we are absolutely delighted for Dan. In just five years since graduation he has made a real name for himself."
Following the conference Dan is working on developing a piece of software to make service worker technology more accessible to non-developers.
Dan adds: "At the TechSEO Boost conference we shone a big light on what server-less applications and edge technologies can bring to the field of SEO, this has been dubbed Edge SEO.
"So far I've been working on articles and webinars with industry outlets and blogs to further explain what Edge SEO is, as well as developing a piece of software further to make this technology (and Edge SEO) more accessible to non-developers."
Read our interview with Dan about his career and life after leaving Leeds Trinity University.
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