Lecturer exhibits photography at North Lincolnshire gallery


A Lecturer in Photography at Leeds Trinity University has overcome the challenges of COVID-19 to display her latest photographic work of her hometown of Hull at an exhibition in North Lincolnshire.

Photographer shooting from the banks of the river .

Lecturer in Photography and professional photographer Verity Adriana has had two of her photographic works, Lumen and Legacy, commissioned by The Ropewalk, a regionally-acclaimed centre for the arts in Barton upon Humber. Verity’s photography explores the relationship between photography and light.   

The Ropewalk is located close to where Verity shot many of the works for Lumen, a project which she started in 2015 using locations along the River Humber to investigate how light and photography have the power to transform ordinary and familiar objects into moments of sublime experience. She started Legacy in 2017, to showcase communities, spaces and places in Hull during its time as City of Culture between 2017 and 2020.

Verity said: “A couple of years ago I successfully applied to hold my first major exhibition of my work at The Ropewalk, who offered me a slot in 2020. Little did I know that this would be the year a pandemic swept across the globe, wreaking havoc as it did. After years of careful planning, it looked as though my exhibition may not be able to happen at all as the gallery closed and staff were furloughed, and funding disappeared – a stressful time for them and a blow for such an important event in an artist’s career.” 

She added: “After a few months of re-planning and various challenges, the gallery has reopened and the show is up, to my delight. This has been a tricky process and a lot of compromises have had to be made, but I hope people enjoy viewing the exhibition.” 

Richard Hatfield, Exhibitions Officer at The Ropewalk, said: “Verity Adriana’s current exhibition at The Ropewalk showcases two distinct bodies of work. Lumen explores a sense of the unfamiliar in the ordinary, while the vibrant images of Legacy take us back to Hull’s 2017 City of Culture year. Although only a short while ago and still fresh in the memory this period of celebration and coming together through the arts seems such a long time ago and provides a stark contrast to the current year of isolation.”

Lumen | Legacy is showing at The Ropewalk in Barton upon Humber until 29 November 2020. The gallery is open to see the works Wednesday to Sunday. 

Verity will also be hosting a preview event on Instagram on Thursday 22 October at 6.00pm. More of Verity’s works can be found on her website.


