On behalf of Leeds Trinity University I want to express how deeply worried and saddened we are by the situation in Ukraine and the developments in recent weeks and days. The human suffering is horrifying and difficult to comprehend. Our thoughts and prayers are very much with the people of Ukraine and their families and friends. We stand in solidarity with all those affected.
I know that many in our community would like to help in some way, and local collection points for essential items have been set up across the country. There are also a number of organisations which are currently coordinating appeals to support the people of Ukraine including the following, to which I and members of the Leeds Trinity Leadership Team have made donations in recent days:
Catholic Agency for Overseas Development (CAFOD)
Leeds Together For Ukraine – a citywide fundraising campaign which will help to fund accommodation support and other forms of assistance to Ukrainians arriving in Leeds, in partnership with refugee charities and other third sector organisations. It will also be used to further develop local support systems to ensure Leeds remains a welcoming and compassionate city for all migrants in the long term. Leeds City Council has kickstarted fundraising with a donation of £50,000, and donations can be made here: https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/LeedsTogetherForUkraine.
There are also donation boxes in the Leeds Trinity University Atrium for staff, students and visitors who may wish to donate spare change.
Support for students and staff
We have been in touch with those in our University community who are directly affected. A range of support is available for students and staff, and our mental health and wellbeing resources can provide support and a safe space for anyone who needs them, both in person and online. Please do speak to your personal tutor, the Student Support team, your line manager or Leadership Team member if you need further assistance. We are here to support you.
The Chapel is open all day for prayer and for those who would like a quiet space to reflect. A Chaplaincy team member will be available every day to provide support as required. Members of the community are also welcome to light a candle for the people of Ukraine.
Professor Charles Egbu
Vice-Chancellor, Leeds Trinity University