Leeds Trinity University alumnus Danny Hardaker is celebrating his latest film being shortlisted in the ‘best documentary’ category at the White Rose International Film Festival.
Riley & Rambo will go up against four other hopefuls and be shown alongside finalists from several categories at the festival in Harrogate in December.
Danny, who graduated from Film Studies in 2011, created the film in partnership with fellow film maker Karol Wyszynski. Funded by Channel 4, the documentary shines a light on the historic Rag n’ Bone culture which still exists in the Holme Wood area of Bradford to this day.
Holme Wood is one of the most deprived estates in the UK and has its own cultural identity and heritage strongly linked to the Rag n’ Bone tradition. The people of Holme Wood are proud of its heritage and continue their ancestors’ way of life. There are more than 60 horses in Holme Wood making it a unique place to live with many young boys on the estate getting involved in the Rag n’ Bone lifestyle around which Riley’s story centres.
Speaking about the award, Danny, now the owner of his own production company, said: “It’s a really nice feeling to get some recognition for our film, and I’m really pleased we were able to shine a little spotlight on Riley and the Holme Wood community. This way of life is often maligned in society and it’s nice to cut through those stereotypes. I look forward to working with this community again in the future”
Describing the documentary, he added: “Riley & Rambo is a story of a boy and his horse that offers insight into the Rag n’ Bone culture of Holme Wood in Bradford. With a backdrop of deprivation, we discover the resourcefulness and happiness that’s found in an older and genuine way of life; where freedom can be found.”
Elric Williams, Programme Leader for Media who taught Danny, said: “Danny’s exceptional talent and dedication have rightfully earned him well-deserved recognition, and we could not be more thrilled for him. As an institution committed to fostering creativity and innovation, it is heartening to see our alumni excel in their chosen fields. We are confident that this latest accolade is only the start of many more successes to come.”
The White Rose International Film Festival was founded in 2022. Nominations stay open from January to October during which time a block of winners is announced every two months. ‘Riley and Rambo’ is a finalist in block A, the first to be announced in 2023 and will go through to the end-of-year grand final at the festival in December.
Leeds has a fast-growing reputation as one of the best cities in the UK for a creative education. Leeds Trinity University is a Gold Education partner of LEEDS 2023, the year of culture.
For more information about Digital and Screen Media courses at Leeds Trinity, visit the website.
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