The first cohort of Scholars School System students have completed their degrees, in Business and Management and Health and Social Care, awarded by Leeds Trinity University.
Scholars School System delivers higher education courses in partnership with Leeds Trinity University, allowing students to access Leeds Trinity degrees from several locations throughout the UK including Bradford, Birmingham, Leicester, London and Manchester.
The winter 2023 graduation ceremony was the first to feature students graduating with degrees from Leeds Trinity, with 42 graduates from the BA (Hons) Business and Management course and 16 graduates from the BSc (Hons) Health and Social Care programme.
Professor Charles Egbu, Vice-Chancellor and Professor Mohammed Arif, Pro Vice-Chancellor for Enterprise and External Engagement at Leeds Trinity University, attended the ceremony at Millennium Point, Birmingham to mark the occasion and celebrate the students’ success.
Professor Mohammed Arif said: “It was great to be in Birmingham for the first Scholars School System graduation ceremony in which Leeds Trinity University degrees were awarded. Professor Egbu and I thoroughly enjoyed being in attendance.
“Leeds Trinity University’s collaborative work with Scholars School System allows us to provide increased educational opportunities to students across the UK, and it was gratifying to see the first group of students receive their degrees as a direct result of our offer. I look forward to seeing the continued success of students from Scholars School System, and indeed our other academic partners, in the future.”
Zahid Bhatti, Chairman of Scholars School System, said: “I would like to congratulate graduates on achieving this milestone. I understand the challenges of adapting to new horizons and knowledge spheres, but they all overcame those hurdles through dedication and motivation.
“I find it fair to extend my gratitude to not only the lecturers for their guidance and knowledge transfer but also the support team members and other Scholars School System team members without whose support it would not have been possible.”
Leeds Trinity University works with other academic organisations to offer educational opportunities across the UK and internationally. For more information, visit the website.
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