Research in Psychology is led by Dr Lisa Webster, Reader in Psychology.
The areas of research and knowledge exchange activity our staff are involved in come under four strategic themes.
Psychological Wellbeing Across Populations
Areas of research within this theme include sport and performance and mental health and wellbeing in diverse populations including prison and clinical domains.
Health and Behaviour Change
Areas of research within this theme include chronic stressors, health interventions, environmental issues, and cyber psychology.
Identities, Communities, and Social Justice and Change
Research areas within this theme include widening participation and transitions into higher education, gendered and racial identities and online communities, and supporting individuals through criminal justice processes.
Cognition and Development
Areas of research within this theme include experimental assessments, learning, and cognitive differences.
We would particularly welcome applications for postgraduate research projects in any of the above areas.
Research Degrees
Find out about Research Degrees/prod01/channel_2/media/site-assets/images/cards/Close-up-of-female-hands-while-typing-on-laptop-600X399.jpg)