The faculty of Faculty of Health, Wellbeing and Life Sciences comprises the schools of:

  • School of Sport & Wellbeing (SAW)
  • School of Health & Life Sciences (HLS)
  • School of Children Young People and Families (CYPF)

Our three schools contribute enormously to the University’s research profile and particularly in the area of health research. Outside of health important and well developed research portfolios have been developed in performance in sport, philosophy, ethics and religion and education.

Research Areas

School of Sport and Wellbeing (SAW)

The School of Sport & Wellbeing has a well developed profile in the area of health-related research and performance in sport. The work here straddles public health orientated work around exercise and physical health as well as the health of elite athletes and gymnasts. SAW also boasts world leading research on the physiology of drowning.

Find out more about research in the School of Sport and Wellbeing.

School of Health and Life Sciences (HLS)

The School of Health & Life Sciences is a fast-developing school that boasts well established and industry-leading taught delivery in nursing and a new school in biomed that has been the recipient of considerable investment from the University, namely to build new life sciences labs. The School of Nursing’s profile in education and professional development has a number of output pathways for both research and knowledge exchange and Biomed boasts researchers who have already produced world leading research in anti-microbial resistance (AMR) and haematology.

Find out more about research in the School of Health & Life Sciences.

School of Children Young People and Families (CYPF)

The School of Children Young People and Families has prominent research streams focusing on families, young people and education and boasts an established philosophy, ethics and religion department. Together, these contribute to the University’s commitment to social justice and the common good through research and teaching.

Find out more about research in the School of Children Young People and Families.