Relief Support Worker and MA Student
I also enjoyed learning from the best tutors and hearing their work experience, they inspired me throughout my studies.
Why I chose Leeds Trinity
I chose to study at Leeds Trinity as it was the only university in Leeds with this degree and because of the professional work placement it included.
The best things about the course
I enjoyed the final year the most, all the modules gave me the opportunity to explore the topics I was the most interested in. I also enjoyed learning from the best tutors and hearing their work experience, they inspired me throughout my studies.
Valuable placement opportunities
I was a Family Support Worker based in three prisons, HMP Lindholme, HMP Moorland and HMP Hatfield the Lakes. The organisation I worked for was Pact (Prison Advice and Care Trust). I was already a Pact volunteer by the time I started my placement with them. After the six-week placement, I progressed to a Family Engagement Worker and I was asked to shadow one of my colleagues. Then I was offered a job with them.
Grasping other opportunities
Thanks to the myFuture team I volunteered as an English teacher abroad, where I made new friends.
My advice to prospective students
Enjoy every moment, go to all classes because you learn so much just from listening to your tutors and ask for support from your tutors (they are so helpful). My advice is to pick Forensic Practitioner, Psychology Special Subject and Psychology, mental health and distress in your third year!
Why I love Leeds Trinity
Leeds Trinity has the best quality of teaching, the most supportive staff members, a friendly and welcoming environment and the best opportunities offered by myFuture.