Hear from our Alumni about their experiences at Leeds Trinity University. Learn how placements contributed to their employability and the successful careers they have embarked upon.
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If you would like to share your alumni profile please email alumni@leedstrinity.ac.uk.
Conor Meese
England Programmes Operations Manager at the Rugby Football League (RFL)
Read Conor's story/prod01/channel_2/media/site-assets/images/alumni/rob-graham-headshot.jpg)
Rob Graham
Sports Development Officer, University of Sunderland
Sport, Health and Physical Education
Dana Llewellyn
Student Liaison Officer, Leeds Trinity University
Children, Young People and Families
Daniel Solts
Head of Academy Sport Science, Doncaster Rovers FC
Sport, Health and Physical Education
Victoria Smith
Director of Operations, York Childcare
Children, Young People and Families, Education