Assistant Psychologist
The course equipped me with a wide range of knowledge in the various disciplines of psychology, as well as invaluable research experience.
Why I chose to study at Leeds Trinity University
Having thoroughly enjoyed studying Psychology at both A-Level and as part of my joint honours BSc, I decided I wished to obtain my Graduate Basis for Chartered Membership (GBC) to the British Psychological Society (BPS). Leeds Trinity University was one of a small number of MSc Psychology (Conversion) courses in the North of the UK, which was accredited by the BPS. I was also drawn to Leeds Trinity for its reputation as one of the UK’s leading universities for student satisfaction - and it certainly did not disappoint! The standard of teaching and the support that I received from my tutors was exceptional.
My favourite aspects of the course
I enjoyed the variety offered by the course, in terms of both the modules covered and their various assessment methods. The course covered a wide variety of psychological disciplines, including Biological Psychology, Clinical Psychology and Cognitive Psychology. I feel that these have helped to better prepare me for the career ahead of me in psychology.
Taking advantage of opportunities
One of the highlights of my time studying at Leeds Trinity, was having the opportunity to work alongside Dr James Jackson on an exciting piece of research which was funded by the Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering. The research, submitted for publication in summer 2021, investigated the effectiveness of a newly developed Cognitive Behavioural Therapy smartphone application for Tinnitus.
How my experiences prepared me for my career
I believe that there are several elements that contributed to my success in gaining a position as an Assistant Psychologist after completing my course. One of the essential criteria for becoming an Assistant Psychologist was having Graduate Basis for Chartered Membership to the British Psychological Society. Having completed the MSc Psychology (Conversion) at Leeds Trinity, I obtained this accreditation.
For two years whilst studying the course part-time, I also worked in a Psychiatric Hospital. I feel that this experience, coupled with the knowledge and research experience I have gained whilst studying at Leeds Trinity, have enabled me to obtain my position as an Assistant Psychologist.
My advice to anyone thinking about enrolling on to the MSc Psychology (Conversion) course
To anyone who is either passionate about psychology or merely curious about it – I would say go for it, enrol yourself! I certainly do not have any regrets and I am grateful for the opportunities that Leeds Trinity has given me. The course equipped me with a wide range of knowledge in the various disciplines of psychology, as well as invaluable research experience. The new found knowledge and experience I gained from both the MSc Psychology (Conversion) and my employment, have enabled me to become a more reflective and insightful individual.