Tutor, SEN High School
I love LTU because they really support you in whatever you need, whether it relates to your learning or personal life, they have the resources to help you with so much!
Why I chose Leeds Trinity University
Leeds Trinity seemed like the best teaching university for me. When I came to visit the University, I loved it! Everyone was really nice and very helpful and knowledgeable. I was due to go elsewhere, but on results day I called up and rejected my place so I could come to Leeds Trinity, which was probably the best decision I’ve made.
The best part of the course
The best thing about my course was the staff who run it. They were a great team and put so much effort into helping you do your best. Also, looking back at all the modules I did, I can see how useful they were in teaching me to become a great psychology student. I did not know how to truly learn and apply myself efficiently before I came to university.
Valuable placements
I completed my first placement at the Lighthouse School, which is a specialist high school for students with Autism. I took on the role of a ‘tutor’ (or teaching assistant/TA), which meant I would support student learning and behaviour during lessons. This school has a very different approach and it is the happiest school I have ever been in. About two weeks into my placement they asked me if I would join the team and I stayed on.
My placements made me realise my true interests and future goals, to be a SEN Maths teacher. My experience has given me so many skills and I feel confident enough to do my teacher training. I dropped out of my first course (Primary Teaching) because I was not ready. My placements gave me the chance to learn, develop and practice the skills necessary for my future and career goals.
Utilising other opportunities available
My second placement was working at Meanwood Valley Urban Farm, where I joined the Education Team. This role involved normal day-to-day farming jobs, looking after the animals and working with the large team they had, which included various groups of adults and young people with Special Educational Needs (SEN), which was amazing! The role also meant I would assist with educational primary school visits, where we would teach them about different aspects of the farm. By the end I was able to teach sections on my own and really became a part of the team.
My advice to a prospective student considering studying a similar course
Take advantage of the placement opportunity! Match your placement choice with your career goals. Pick something that you are really interested in and if you are unsure, then all the staff are there to help find the best thing for you. Choose a course that will allow you to experiment with your learning and personal skills!
Why I love LTU
I love LTU because they really support you in whatever you need, whether it relates to your learning or personal life, they have the resources to help you with so much!