Senior Project Manager' at ICS-digital LLP
It is these pep talks and the confidence in my ability that the lecturers had that has helped me get through the days when I don't think I can do it.
Why I chose to attend Leeds Trinity
The close knit and personal touch of Trinity really shone through when I visited on the open day. Whist I am a confident and independent person, I knew that I would really benefit from the small groups and close student/lecturer relationship....and I was right!
My favourite memories from being at Leeds Trinity
Apart from the obvious fun and laughs you get at university, one great memory was my group presentation in Nick Beaton's module. Whilst I really didn't enjoy the nerves prior and during the presentation, looking back it was great. Without going into too much detail, we had to create a business plan for a dog treat company and present it to the Director of the company. We chose to target the small dog owners such as Chihuahuas etc. This led to me smuggling my Chihuahua into university in my handbag and we brought her into the presentation to give it that extra umph!
How my time at Leeds Trinity helped shape my career
I am terrible for not believing in my own ability, but the lecturers were great at making me do so. There were a few occasions where I would turn up looking dishevelled and concerned and I'd be welcomed with a cup of tea and some guidance and would receive a confidence pep talk! It is these pep talks and the confidence in my ability that the lecturers had that has helped me get through the days when I don't think I can do it.
Alongside this, I learnt how to build professional relationships with others and take their guidance and advice on board. I don't feel like this closeness and support is something I would have received at a larger institution.
The benefit of placements
My first placement was actually with for my Mum, working on the marketing and re-branding of her business. My second was at Trinity Vision. This was particularly rewarding as it gave me the opportunity to work in a variety of roles, including filming, editing and more.
Getting a feel for the whole production process was great for me as I learnt what I did and didn't like. I discovered that I enjoyed editing and being a perfectionist, but didn't enjoy filming. I thrived in an organisational position (usually floor manager) and really enjoyed putting plans together, ensuring we had actors booked and getting the itineraries ready, ensuring a smooth-running day and production process. This aspect made me realise that I was good at planning and that I could juggle multiple project and priorities well, something that is crucial in marketing.
My career after graduation
I went to work for ICS-digital working with clients such as Deliveroo, Bet365 and Visiondirect. As a company we specialise improving rankings and boosting traffic through quality content marketing in 42 languages across 58 territories. I'm one of three Leeds Trinity Alumni to have worked at the company.
Attending the Trinity Alumni Business Network
Believe it or not...free food, pens and a tipple of wine is still enticing three years after graduation and the Alumni events always have all three! Jokes aside, it's great to catch up with old faces, both lecturers and students, the networking opportunities are great and the speakers and insights you gain from them are always worthwhile.
My advice for any students who are trying to get into marketing positions
I would say use your placements wisely and gain as much experience as you can. Even if that's giving up one day a week to work at an agency or business. It took me a while to find out what aspects I did and didn't like and this would have saved me time if I'd have figured this out more whilst at University. I have trained placement students in my previous role, talked them through the tools and programmes we use for things such as social media scheduling and within a day or two they were helping the team out and doing a great job.
Having the ability to walk into an interview and confidently say "Yes, I can use Hootsuite" or "Here is an example of a marketing calendar I helped create" is going to boost your confidence and give you a head-start in applications.
One more thing... Save all your work including your marketing modules/work/essays and have them ready to hand out at interviews. I have done this myself and it really impresses. It shows that you are organised, forward thinking and gives you yet another opportunity to shine.