Leeds Trinity University’s apprenticeship provision has been awarded a ‘good’ Ofsted rating after a recent inspection.
The inspection, held in October 2023, highlighted the quality of the provision being delivered at the University, with apprentices developing in confidence throughout their time on their programmes.
Leeds Trinity offers a variety of apprenticeships, designed in partnership with employers, through its dedicated Centre for Apprenticeships, Work-based Learning and Skills, which includes the Police Constable programme with West Yorkshire Police.
The University introduced apprenticeships in 2017 and created the Centre in 2019. It now offers nine different qualifications and is home to around almost 1,000 apprentices undertaking higher and degree apprenticeship programmes and work-based learning provision.
The Ofsted report notes that apprentices value the significant new knowledge, skills and behaviours
they gain through studying on apprenticeships with Leeds Trinity University, and that the curriculum is planned and sequenced in a logical and systematic way, taking into account apprentices’ starting points and work situations. Equality, diversity and inclusion is also promoted in the curriculum.
The report highlights that leaders plan apprenticeship provision effectively to enable those who may be unlikely to engage with higher education to do so, and that apprentices receive good advice from staff which prepares them well for the next steps in their careers. Progress Tutors and employers collaborate well to ensure that the review process is beneficial to apprentices, with employers able to support them with relevant work activities to make sustained progress.
Claire Newhouse, Dean of External Engagement and Impact at Leeds Trinity University, who leads its Centre for Apprenticeships, Work-based Learning and Skills, said: “We are delighted that Leeds Trinity University’s approach to apprenticeships has been received positively by Ofsted in its recent inspection of our provision.
“The report demonstrates the progress we are making as a provider and the quality of our programmes. It’s especially good to see how the subject-specific training, development and support our colleagues have access to is used effectively when teaching, and how our work-based learning framework is making a difference to apprentices, particularly around personal development. There is still more to do and this report will help us to continue to make progress in the years to come.”
Professor Charles Egbu, Vice-Chancellor at Leeds Trinity University, commented: “I am pleased to see recognition in this report for our approach to providing apprenticeships that enable people in West Yorkshire and beyond to gain and sustain graduate-level employment in jobs that meet the workforce development needs of employers and the priorities of the region. Increasing our contribution and impact as a Leeds Anchor institution underpins our Strategic Plan, and it is positive to see this being delivered in our apprenticeship provision. This report also reflects the hard work of many colleagues, and I would like to thank them for their ongoing efforts to provide high quality learning and support to our learners.”
Leeds Trinity University offers Degree Apprenticeship programmes in Business-to-Business (B2B) Sales, Chartered Management, Digital Marketing, Police Constable, Senior Leadership, Supply Chain Leadership, and Systems Thinking. It also offers two Higher Apprenticeships in Children, Young People and Families.
Find more information about apprenticeships at Leeds Trinity University on the website.
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