The Leeds Trinity University Inspire Programme has been supporting teachers, advisers and students for many years and helps you to meet key Gatsby Benchmarks.

This programme of presentations, workshops and activities is designed to inspire students to progress and succeed in higher education.

Engagement activities 

Explore our engagement activities below and read more about each event. Get in touch to discuss your needs or to book.

Year 12 / Year 1 College

Subject Focus Days (Year 12)
December / June
Post 16 presentations
Post 16 Summer School

Year 13 / Year 2 College

Subject Focus Days (Year 13)
December only
Post 16 presentations
Personal Statement Feedback Service


Year 10 HE Exploration Days
Student life presentations
Mock interview support

Teachers and Advisers

Information, Advice and Guidance sessions

Contact us by email to discuss or book:

Subject Focus Days

(Gatsby Benchmarks: 4, 5, 7)

What is a Subject Focus Day?

Subject Focus Days take place twice a year, in December and June, are designed to provide Year 12/13 and Year 1/2 college students with an experience of what it would be like to study specific subjects at Leeds Trinity University as well as gaining exposure to careers in the wider industry. Based on our deep-rooted values surrounding employability, each subject area is aligned to a sector to also provide wider labour market information during the visit.

Why bring a group of students to a Subject Focus Day?

  • Simple booking system - we take care of all aspects of your booking.
  • We will provide free travel and lunch for all guests.
  • Inspire your students in specific subject areas and careers.
  • Make contacts with university staff for future engagement.

What to expect on the day?

  • The day takes place from 10:30 am to 2:30 pm.
  • You’ll begin your day with a variety of activities to assess how your students feel about Higher Education, led by our Student Ambassadors.
  • Campus tour delivered by our Student Ambassadors.
  • A free, tasty lunch.
  • Subject activity led by our lecturers. A chance for students to ask questions and find out what to expect if they studied this area at university.
  • Next step presentations including UCAS and student finance.

Schedule for 2024 Subject Focus Days

June 2024 Subject Focus Days

Booking for June 2024 Subject Focus days in now closed.

Our June Subject Focus Days are aimed at Year 12 / Year 1 college students only. You are welcome to bring a maximum of 15 students to each subject area on the day you are interested in, but please note, spaces are limited.

Date Subject
Monday 10 June 2024
  • Digital Media Production
  • Photography
  • Film
  • Games Design
Students interested in Digital Media Production, Photography and Film will experience a short taster of all of these subject areas on the day.
Tuesday 11 June 2024
  • Computer Science
  • Construction and the Built Environment
Wednesday 12 June 2024
  • Journalism
  • English and Creative Writing
  • Business
Thursday 13 June 2024
  • Psychology
  • Law
Friday 21 June 2024
  • Biomedical Science
  • Nursing
Tuesday 25 June 2024
  • Criminology
  • Policing
Students interested in these areas will experience of short taster of both subject areas on the day.
Wednesday 26 June 2024
  • Philosophy, Ethics and Religion
  • Children, Young People and Families
  • Primary Education
Thursday 27 June 2024
  • Sport
  • Health and Social Care

December 2024 Subject Focus Days

The December Subject Focus Days are aimed at Year 12 / Year 1 college students, as well as Year 13 / Year 2 college students who are undecided about university or their course. Dates for the December 2024 Subject Focus Days will be confirmed by August 2024.

How to book

To book or register an interest in our Subject Focus Days, please email or your Schools and Colleges Engagement Officer contact directly.

Please note: Booking for June 2024 Subject Focus days in now closed.

Post-16 Presentations at your school or college

(Gatsby Benchmarks: 3, 7, 8)

We can deliver presentations at your school or college, or online covering the following topics:

  • Choosing a course at university
  • Why university? The UCAS journey
  • How to write an excellent personal statement
  • Student life at Leeds Trinity University (delivered with our student ambassadors)
  • Student finance
  • Living on a student budget: Practical solutions and support
  • Subject presentations available on request

Contact us by email on or chat to Ammarah, our Senior Student Recruitment Officer via Unibuddy to request an Inspire presentation or workshop.

Each of these topics may be delivered as:

In school or college delivery:

  • 15-minute presentation e.g. For an assembly.
  • 45-minute interactive workshop.

Virtual delivery:

  • Short video with key takeaway points to play during PSHE or registration.
  • 30-minute interactive session.

Personal Statement feedback service

(Gatsby Benchmarks: 3, 4, 7, 8)

This service is an opportunity for students to individually submit one draft of their UCAS personal statement to our Schools and Colleges Engagement team.

In return, students will receive feedback on their structure, relevance to the course as well as spelling, punctuation and grammar. To submit a personal statement, students must be applying for a course that the University offers, and feedback will be provided by email within five working days of submission.

This service is available throughout the year and personal statements can be submitted on the Personal Statement Review page.

Widening Participation

(Gatsby Benchmarks: 3, 7, 8)

Post-16 Summer School

The Post-16 Summer School is our widening participation programme for young people in Year 12 / Year 1 of college who have the talent and drive to go to university, but who may need additional support with the application process and understanding of what is possible for them at university and beyond.

This residential will take place from Tuesday 9th – Thursday 11th July 2024, and due to limited spaces, eligible students will be required to complete an application form individually.

For more information, please see the Post-16 Summer School page.

Care Experienced Young People

We provide additional support for young people who are both in and leaving care and who are considering university. We offer an enhanced package of advice and guidance throughout their application process and university experience. We also provide a Care Leavers’ Bursary.

For more information, please see the care leavers page.

Pre-16 workshops and events

(Gatsby Benchmarks: 2, 3, 5, 6, 7)

We have a number of opportunities available for pre-16 students, which include:

  • Year 10 HE Exploration Days will take place on our Main Campus in Horsforth for eligible cohorts over two weeks from Monday 6th May to Friday 17th May 2024.
  • Student life question and answer sessions with our Student Ambassadors. This can range from 20 to 45 minutes, streamed live or delivered in school.
  • Mock interview sessions in school.

To book or make an inquiry about pre-16 workshops and events please email

Teachers and Advisers

Workshops for Teachers and Advisers

(Gatsby Benchmarks: 1, 2)

We offer events for Information, Advice and Guidance specialists throughout the year. To book or find out more information, visit our Workshops for Teachers and Advisers page.

Information evenings at your school or college

(Gatsby Benchmarks: 2, 7, 8)

We would love to support you by attending your progression, careers or parent information events to offer guidance to Year 12 / Year 1 college and Year 13 / Year 2 college students.

If you would like to discuss a visit to your school or college or a visit to the university, book a virtual meeting appointment in Microsoft Bookings with our Senior Student Recruitment Officer.

You can also send us an email:

Contact the Schools and Colleges Engagement Team

If you would like to book any events, workshops, visits, or discuss anything at all, please contact us by the following:

