Freelance Journalist, Writing about sport for Planet F1 and Planet Football
There are so many other opportunities the course provides you with, like studying abroad or doing a work placement in your dream job.
Why I chose Leeds Trinity
I wanted to study in a part of the country I’d never been to and in a big city, but I also wanted to go to a small university where my lecturers would actually know me. Leeds Trinity ticked all these boxes, and the journalism course had a good reputation.
The best things about the course
My favourite thing about my course was the practical, hands-on nature of it. It made me feel like I was really becoming a journalist and prepared me for working in the industry.
Valuable placements
In first year I did a placement at film magazine in London called Little White Lies, where I conducted interviews, wrote features and attended film screenings for reviews. In my second year my placement was at Planet Sport. Here, I wrote for Planet F1, doing features and providing live coverage of the races.
Both placements prepared me hugely for life after university. They gave me an insight into how journalism publishers work, while I received invaluable advise from people working with me during them. All in all, they were experiences that made me feel far more prepared and comfortable going into full-time work.
The biggest benefit was of course that my second placement at Planet Sport led to me getting a paid job there. I worked part-time during my final year and full-time once I completed my course.
Incredible overseas experience
I got to fulfil a huge dream of mine and study in America during my second year. It was an amazing experience, and the things I did, people I met and places I visited made it one of the highlights of my university experience and my life as a whole.
My advice to prospective students
Not only is the academic side interesting and useful, but there are so many other opportunities the course provides you with, like studying abroad or doing a work placement in your dream job, so do it and make the most of them!
Why I love Leeds Trinity
I got to have some amazing experiences like attending film premieres in London and studying in America. Thanks to these experiences and the practical skills I learnt in my course, I’m also now able to fulfil my dream of being able to write about sport for a living.