Senior Campaigns Executive, Jet2
When the MA was launched, it was a great opportunity to learn more from the experts I was already surrounded by. I knew that they could push me even further in becoming a better writer.
Why I chose to do the MA in Creative Writing at Leeds Trinity
Writing has always been my passion. I started writing at an early age, writing stories and poems at every opportunity I got. I turned my attention to music reviews when I was at university and then started a blog to write about my experiences of travelling and holidays. When I started working at Leeds Trinity University in 2012, I got to know the lecturers on the programme by writing articles and stories about their publications. When the MA was launched, it was a great opportunity to learn more from the experts I was already surrounded by. I knew that they could push me even further in becoming a better writer.
The most enjoyable aspects of the course
I love learning and also working in a learning environment. I really enjoyed the analytical approach to reading on the course and being able to put this into practice in my own writing. Also, the chance to learn from fellow students and critiquing each other’s work was amazing. It was a scary but positive experience, and I went from being pretty terrified to share my writing with everyone, to absolutely loving it. This was a really big step forward for me and I think my career has benefited from this greatly in terms of being able to hone my own writing, as well as editing others
But the best thing about the course was the lecturers. They were so passionate about creative writing and that passion was not only inspiring, but completely infectious. I knew that every day, I really was learning from the experts.
Challenging but rewarding
The obvious challenge was studying whilst working full-time. It took a lot of organisation, commitment and discipline to overcome that, but when you are passionate about something, like I am about writing, it was an enjoyable challenge
My advice to others thinking about embarking on this course
Without any doubt, do it! It is one of the best things I have ever done, and the fact that I still miss it says everything. Yes, it was challenging, and I had to balance working full-time with my studies, but the inspiration it gave me and continues to give me on a daily basis is incredible. I’m also still in contact with my course mates and following each of their writing journeys makes me even more inspired, as well as very proud. The MA has made a huge difference to me and has increased my passion for writing even further.