You can download the documents you need for Primary School Experience on this page.
Handbook and trainee progress proformas
Primary PGCE (QTS) School Experience Handbook Stages 1-3 (PDF 955KB)
Primary PGCE School Experience Expectations and Directed Tasks Stage 1 2024-25 (Word 166KB)
Primary PGCE Stage 2 School-Experience Expectations and Directed Tasks (Word 129KB)
Primary UG School Experience Handbook Stages 1-3 2024-25 (PDF 597KB)
Primary UG Stage 2 School Experience Expectations and Weekly Breakdown 2024-25 (Word 126KB)
Primary UG Stage 3 School Experience Expectations and Weekly Breakdown 2024-25 (PDF 419KB)
Primary PGCE + UG Record of Performance & Development (Word 133KB)
Primary PGCE Development Record Stage 2 (Word 197KB)
Primary UG Stage 2-3 Development Record (Word 265KB)
Observing teaching, Intensive Training and Practice, and School-based tasks
Planning for and assessing pupils
Primary EYFS Planning Pro forma - Sequence (Word 39KB)
Primary EYFS Planning Pro forma - Individual (Word 39KB)
Primary Individual Lesson Planning Pro forma (Word 39KB)
Primary PGCE and UG Structured Observation Form (Word 28KB)
Primary Sequence of Learning Planning Pro forma (Word 39KB)
Primary UG Stage 2 Pupil Progress Tracker - English (Word 34KB)
Primary UG Stage 2 Pupil Progress Tracker - Maths (Word 33KB)